My School Tour

What does my school tour consist of?

I have been a guest speaker at elementary school classrooms and middle school assemblies, Girl Scout troop meetings, dance studios, gymnastic clubs, Sources of Strength events, and Youth Council events to promote my non profit organization– You Define Beauty and the Miss America’s Teen Program. Since the inception of my program,  I have spoken to over 5,200 students between the ages of 6 and 25 about the importance of body positivity and confidence!

2nd-5th graders

Teaching positive thoughts to students at a young age is important as it can have a lasting impact on their lives. I often speak to two classes at a time in elementary school about my experience growing up in gymnastics, followed by an activity. During this activity, I provide each student with a piece of paper containing positive words to reflect on and add their own thoughts. They then create a "Define You" cartoon, coloring it to represent themselves. This serves as a reminder of their positive qualities during difficult times. This engaging activity allows students to express themselves creatively and they can keep their drawing with them in their pocket, folder, backpack, or displayed in their room! 

Here is the activity I do with the students!

6th-8th graders

When I meet with older students, it is typically in a group setting. I start by sharing my story in detail and then discuss various ways to maintain confidence in mind, spirit, and body. After the assembly, students have the opportunity to speak with me one-on-one about their concerns. I do this because students at this age often struggle to trust adults, so having someone closer to their age who has gone through similar issues can help them feel less alone. These conversations mark a new beginning, as it can be difficult for students to open up initially, but taking that step is a positive move in the right direction. We discuss ways for them to practice self-love and I provide them with contact information so they can update me on their progress!